Lee ineligible for postseason?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by vetsurg, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    Alleva pretty much made it worse.

    As I said last week... There is an issue and one that Lee has been working on. Likely headed to intersession classes which will last up until a few days before the NC game unless does amazing on his finals. Les has been covering his bases to protect from the worse case scenario.
  2. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I don't think anyone is worried about Lee at this point. I guess that came out wrong, of course we are and want him eligible after all he has been through. The big question is who are the "others" if there are any?
  3. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    I haven't heard about any others. All the guys I have talked to have only mentioned Lee.
  4. msully

    msully Founding Member

    Sep 21, 2002
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    I hate to ask this question

    Pressure , when did JJ get to be able to handle pressure ?? Have you forgot the safety ???So soon ??? Bama ,knowing Saban like we know him , don't you think that is what he is drilling into his defense now , make JJ think make him make a 2nd choice , . JJ is still JJ , when he is hot , not sao much hot , but having fun .Then he looks like he is our superman . But make him look for the option on any play the 2nd look , he gets confused. He will not get the wide open run down the middle like last week, Bama will have 3 chasing him and one will always be close . You know Saban , it is not that JJ can't make the "Big" play , the question is . Will the big play be there . If not will JJ be able to get enough little plays to win . The next question is ,
    Bleacher says this
    "LSU athletic director Joe Alleva has issued a statement regarding the speculation that surfaced earlier today.

    “Despite media and message board speculation, no LSU student-athletes have been declared ineligible for post-season competition. The current semester is not complete and finals are still ahead, so it is grossly unfair to our student-athletes and it is both premature and irresponsible to speculate on the final grades and postseason eligibility of our student-athletes.”
    Above that statement they said Bleacher

    "Speculation has surfaced that quarterback Jarrett Lee and unnamed other football players may be declared academically ineligible for the postseason. In his own unique way, Les Miles addressed the rumors without actually addressing them.

    So don't jump on J Lee alone looks like this team as stated before the only weakness in this team is the team itself.
    If it is more how many more , and are they starters ??
    I for one hope this is 100% proof B.S. I have placed bets on the next two games , Oh woe is me < LOL > One good thing because of this team , win or lose the next two games I cannot lose . This team has been speical

    Some of you who live around LSU need to do some deep homework , and find out the truth

    I wouild think that LSU athletic director Joe Alleva knows what he is talking about don't you ??
    When you find the truth post the link to it !!! Thank you

  5. SaintSlidell

    SaintSlidell How bout them Tigers! Who Dat

    Jan 4, 2009
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    So I hope Mettenberger is getting snaps with the first and second team. Anyway that can be confirmed?
  6. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    The only thing Alleva said was what we already know. A player can not be ineligible before the semester is over. Duh... :hihi:
  7. "Ben-Around"

    "Ben-Around" Founding Member

    May 23, 2007
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    My God, how could this "thug" do this to his team, his university, his..his

    ....he has shown his disregard for everything that is LSU ----wait, this isn't about
    Jefferson---what am I saying!!!

    We need the whit---er, right, quarterback play. If this is true, it HAS to be Les Miles fault for damaging Jarrett's psyche by benching him after a mere two interceptions in two succcessive pass attempts. Jarrett, it can't be your fault if this is true!!! No wonder you haven't been attending class. We'll be watching you on Sunday's at the next level!!
  8. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    See, this is exactly why I can't wait for both of these clowns to just ease on down the road. They have the entire fan base divided except for cliff who will actually miss JJ. Probably have his children if he could.
  9. lsudolemite

    lsudolemite CodeJockey Extraordinaire

    Sep 18, 2006
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    Which is why I have no idea what Alleva thought he was going to accomplish with that statement. He's trying to act as if it isn't a legitimate issue for the media to focus on, when it is, and that asking questions is somehow inappropriate, when it isn't.
  10. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    This is true. Class attendance should equal a college degree--you aren't likely to fail any class you attend. Of course, I don't know how that works these days. In the stone ages, when I was @ LSU, we didn't have digital devices to divide our attention, so we were almost forced to pay attention to the lectures.

    Of course, LSU being LSU, there was a guy from NO who used to bring Malibu rum and Coke to a math class I had with him, and we'd sit and get drunk in the back of the class. Good times...

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