The girls were all wearing the hip hugger jeans the last couple of years, I guess the bell bottoms won't be far behind.
I remember the 70's but wasn't there another period since then? Personally I don't find anything sexy about the crack of a woman's ass showing.
I don't think so A couple of years ago, Emma (my now 13 year old), was at the computer as I passed by with a handful of dry roasted peanuts. Her crack was so exposed I dropped a peanut in there and kept on walking. She is super cool and never one to be outdone. As I came back through, I asked how was the peanut? Without missing a beat, she says "what peanut?", then sticks her tongue out to show me the peanut! Ever since then, our family code word for "your ass crack is showing" is simply "peanut"! :hihi:
hahahaha thank you for this video man. That's great. Hopefully we see some of these moves on Saturday night in a post game victory dance. Love it.
you know, i can totally picture that! :hihi: thanks for the laugh. as for the original pic.... all i can think now is "souuuuuul traaaaiiin".