Absolutely! I see a large number of folks that don't understand what's wring with "Could of left early". Makes me a sad..
I won't bother arguing the whole "Saban built LSU Football" thing. Les Miles is in the Top 5 winningest coaches in history to ever coach in SEC history. The minimum is 100 games. I can understand you hating Miles & not being proud of him & his LSU team's accomplishments. Afterall, you believe that any coach fired from LSU must suck. Orgeron conversely, is at the bottom of that list of coaches in SEC history. It's the LSU way. It's always been the LSU way. LSU fans always believe we're constantly "Improving", even when it's clear we're not. "We got rid of the Archer & I feel Hallman will prove to be a superior coach". LSU fans 1991. Nope, no ulterior motive. Not a relative, not a Bama fan, nor a troll. I graduated & worked at LSU. I see what has to happen. I don"t believe the answer is to apply multiple bandaids, when removal & stitches are clearly needed. I've piled on quite a few compliments to Coach Aranda & Coach Raymond., the heart of the LSU Defense. In fact, on the Defensive side, I've only questioned the hiring of "Meatball", the DL coach.
Your limitless reverence of Miles and dismissal of Orgeron is about as straw man as it gets. I can’t believe someone with your capacity for thought can be so elementary in your appraisal of Miles/Orgeron.
Oregon has, in fact, proven to win football games at LSU and USC. He was a loser at the loser school, Ole Piss. What are you missing?
Gay and Henderson I wanna say are the only 2 people who have a national championship ring with LSU and a Super Bowl ring with the Saints. That’s Louisiana legend right there.
Superbowl winning teams give out rings to more than just the players and coaches. Some are given to people associated with the team in some important capacity. It's possible that a ring was given to LSU and former Saint Hokie Gajan for his role as radio analyst. I watched the game listening to the radio broacast and Hokie and Jim Henderson certainly deseved one.