Well, 40% of LSU fans attended a few semesters there and/or graduated while another 30% never sat a day in a college unless they attended an orientation with a friend who was going to enroll and they just happened to be spending the night at that friend’s house. The other 30% graduated from another in-state college. I fall in the latter. @tirk can I use “latter” with 3 things? So, who “you”?
There is some controversy regarding the use of latter https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/latter I'm not tirk
from my link,.. "There is some controversy afoot regarding the use of latter, particularly regarding its use to refer to items in a series. Many commentators insist that latter can only be used of a series that consists of two: When presented with a series of three or more, they say, anyone wishing to highlight the last item in the series should use last and not latter:" but I have no opinion