You know Izzy, Oeaux just got $4 mil last April and he’ll stick it out God Love Him ... He deserves 1/3 of Saban’s pay? These people in here are fkd up in the head thinking we get coaches to stay here following the Saban Road Map* *Tenet of Phuck Thy Asst Coach and let them be trained here and leave to give their best to someone else
I dont think brady would have stayed for even oc. and I'm confident that if that's what it took ensminger would have stepped down.
LOL, I agree with you dude. I'm stating facts, just because you don't like them doesn't change them. State schools get tied up in politics
O's reduced salary and his ability to throw money at the staff got us a title. Might want to rethink this.... O will get a raise, but just because Jimbo got $$ doesn't mean that is ideal for LSU. A&M is basically lighting their money on fire.