Laremy Tunsil admits to accepting money from Ole Miss coach

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by islstl, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Why start with him? What happened ultimately had little to do with him. The investigation went on for 5 years....5! And still they came up with very little and most of it hinging on a non-existent "rule". This is about the adjudication. The fact that Paul Dee, the AD at Miami during the Nevin Shapiro era was in charge of the COI, the fact that people outside the COI were improperly influencing the committee when committee members made it clear that they didn't think there was enough there to support a charge of LOIC, the fact that a committee member from a major rival was allowed, and the fact that internal memos flat out said that USC should be punished "just because". Ted Miller has written about it quite extensively. You should start there.

    "During a flight delay last year, I was cornered at an airport by an administrator from a major program outside the Pac-12. He made fun of me as a "USC fanboy" because of my rants against the NCAA ruling against the Trojans. But we started talking. Turned out he agreed with just about all my points. (He just didn't like USC.)

    He told me, after some small talk and off-the-record, that "everybody" thought USC got screwed. He said that he thought the NCAA was trying to scare everyone with the ruling, but subsequent major violations cases put it in a pickle.

    Then he told me that USC was punished for its "USC-ness," that while many teams had closed down access — to media, to fans, etc. — USC under Pete Carroll was completely open, and that was widely resented. There was a widespread belief the national media fawned on USC because of this. Further, more than a few schools thought that the presence of big-time celebrities, such as Snoop Dogg and Will Ferrell, at practices and at games constituted an unfair recruiting advantage for the Trojans.

    It wasn't against the rules, but everyone hated it. This, as he assessed his own smell test, was a subtext of the so-called atmosphere of noncompliance that the NCAA referred to — an atmosphere that oddly yielded very few instances of noncompliance around the football program even after a four-year NCAA investigation"

    Every member institution should have a right to expect fair consideration relating to the charges only, not how employees view that institution and that is what happened to USC.

    An LA Superior Court Judge ruled in McNair's lawsuit that the NCAA was malicious in it's treatment of USC and the courts have continued to rule in McNair's favor to unseal ALL the records. The NCAA has been so inconsistent it's pathetic. What hasn't happened to Miami, Ohio St, even North Carolina and a few others is a glaring slap in the face.
  2. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    What's going on at Ole Miss is far bigger than just getting an electric bill paid. As I already mentioned, he also received impermissible extra benefits that included the use of three separate loaner vehicles over a sixth-month period without payment, a four-month interest-free promissory note on a $3,000 down payment for purchasing a used vehicle, two nights of lodging at a local home, an airline ticket purchased by a friend of a teammate, and one day use of a rental vehicle.

    As for the electric bill.....Ole Miss knew about it because he asked and they paid. Reggie's parents received a benefit (not Reggie) and the NCAA said USC "should have known". Find me the NCAA rule that states member institutions "should know" what goes on 100 miles away from their campus involving player families.

    We got the most severe punishment possible short of the death sentence while several other schools since then have done far worse and gotten nada. We didn't deserve the punishment but everyone else is happy to see it because it's obvious that the NCAA now has no teeth.
  3. Brian

    Brian Founding Member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    That's like telling you to not compare or properly contrast poorly understood misconceptions (let's pretend this is possible! Kidding! Maybe. . Lol) lodged at Bama when it is relevant to the topic.

    I've been reading her takes on football in general for over a decade and she's educated me plenty even when I may disagree with her.

    In fact, I'd never heard of Patrick Johnson until he blew her away at, I think, a Nike junior camp held by USC.

    vball said then I recall he'd likely end up with Les not the Trojans when everyone had him ending up in SoCal.. but she'd never seen any kid take ownership in a natural way as an alpha male as Patrick did.. yet in a big brother way again over other alpha males not used to being around anyone close to them athletically let alone better let alone vastly better.

    I began earnestly following Patrick in high school. He later after turning 18 and becoming an LSU Tiger changed his name.

    Patrick Johnson became Patrick Peterson.

    The original number 7.


    Terry, you've educated me over the years as well. Just giving my two cents. I've actually done this regarding you and others before. Mostly on NFL boards though. .
    Knowledge and the willingness to float in any waters should be encouraged and embraced as it promores creative thought and further exploration of any subject.

    That betters us all, yes? :)

    Geaux Tigers and Who Dat, by the way.:p]
    KyleK, el005639, tirk and 1 other person like this.
  4. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    @Brian I have the utmost respect for her. As much, if not moreso, than any one on this forum ... sans a few. When @lsutiga pointed me in her direction when he was salivating over the Tigers facing the Trogans ... very informative time.

    Here's a thing though. She knew USC was about to be slammed. In fact, where I was getting news on their situation wasn't too far from where she lives, but the opposite sides of the world from the people we hang out with. I considered her story as confirmation to what I was hearing ... and took that to the point of telling people (including here) "hang on, the USC story isn't over yet."

    Back to the point ...

    I don't think anyone has the right to bitch about the NCAA's rulings IF they are agreeing to them in other schools. IE: Miami. They got screwed, then the NCAA got exposed, and their investigation fell apart. The NCAA was breaking their own rules.

    You can't put Ole Miss, USC, and Bo Davis in the same sentence when it comes to how the NCAA rules. She did. I called a time out.
  5. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    BTW, you think these recruiting websites don't have an impact on decisions? There's a guy with the 247 network I'd make sit outside if I went next door ... Bama network want a recruit Bama missed on? Bad ass. As seen, you can build a defense around him.
  6. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Did I know that NCAA members were attempting to punish USC for no reason other than pure malicious dislike? Did I know that certain members of the COI received pressure to support the penalties despite the fact that they didn't feel there was enough there to do so? And that said pressure came from someone who wasn't supposed to be involved in the process? USC got screwed....period.

    Please show me where Miami got screwed. Nevin Shapiro and Paul Dee were liars, cheaters, and scum who never got in trouble to the extent they should have. Hell Paul Dee got rewarded by being put in charge of USC's COI! Hell yes I can bitch about it and since when does someone need a "right"?

    So now you are in charge of what people can and can't say? Well damn. My point about putting them in the same sentence was a rough and humorous comparison to how the SEC members get treated, which isn't all that bad considering. Let's not forget that Bo isn't exactly the first rule-breaking issue in Tuscaloosa. Time out? Really?
    LaSalleAve, shane0911 and Winston1 like this.
  7. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    The NCAA is like Goodell, just dishing out whatever punishment they feel like at the time with no structure and precedent means nothing.
    Richdog, Winston1 and KyleK like this.
  8. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Always been that way in our lifetimes.
    Richdog likes this.
  9. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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    In a word, capricious.
  10. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Tiger needs to date a Capricious.
    TerryP likes this.

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