Lane Kiffin new USC head coach

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by Bayou Bengal11, Jan 12, 2010.


    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Dont know if this article has been posted, but its pretty sad.

    Volunteer Sources Say Kiffin Never Embraced Tennessee -- NCAAFB FanHouse

  2. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Mastermind, I read that yesterday. I agree that it's sad that Kiffin was demeaning the Tennessee traditions. I don't mind coaches adding to the tradtions of a school, but not doing them/getting rid of them/posting pictures of stars from another school (when UT has stars the likes of Peyton Manning) is pretty unacceptable.
  3. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Nov 24, 2007
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    Here's a funny Onion-style article titled "Tennessee Loses Layla Kiffin to USC."

    Tennessee Loses Layla Kiffin to USC on Sports Pickle

  4. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Nov 24, 2007
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    Kiffin didn't even tell the coaches on his staff that he was leaving, not even his wife's brother?

    In the previous 48 hours, Lane Kiffin had left Tennessee for USC, escaped an angry mob in Knoxville and stumbled through a withering inquisition in Los Angeles, and still [LB Coach Lance] Thompson hadn’t heard from him.

    But even he couldn’t feel as bad as another of the assistants led to Tennessee and left behind. Thompson said Kiffin didn’t tell [QB Coach] David Reaves he was leaving, either. And Reaves is Kiffin’s brother-in-law. "He saw it on TV," Thompson said.

    Scarbinsky: Lance Thompson took a chance on Lane Kiffin and got taken | Scarblog -
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    His plane landed at 4:20. That explains it all. He was firing up a doobie and getting his buzz on
  6. Terrebonne95

    Terrebonne95 LSU fan in Korea

    Jul 12, 2004
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    Do I put this here? I don't know with all these different threads!!!

    Picture of Kiffin and Steelers' coach Mike Tomlin if you follow the link: Lane Kiffin: Busty Coeds, Crashed Car, Affairs, Hookup Apartment |

    Strictly rumor at this point but I am hearing from multiple sources:

    USC Trojans football coach Lane Kiffin left quite a hoopla of scandal back in Knoxville before fleeing the Tennessee Vols after just one season to return to Southern California.

    * Kiffin hooked up multiple times with college coeds and boosters kept an apartment for him in downtown Knoxville for his rendezvous. His affairs were not much of a secret to those boosters close to the program and those near Lane that often had to cover his trails.
    * After the 2009 UT-Kentucky game, a local Knoxville bar opened up after hours from 2-4am for Kiffin and several busty coeds.
    * Lane, driving drunk with coeds, crashed car, then left coeds when neighbor arrived to pick him up and drive away from the potential PR disaster. Knoxville police might have helped cover this up as well for Super Boy.
    * Car that Kiffin wrecked was a loaner to Kiffin and the UT program from a Knoxville dealership. Wrecked car was returned to dealership but the damages were never paid for by Kiffin or the Vols. The dealership is now livid in the wake of Lane skating out of town.

    TMZ is reportedly in Knoxville right now interviewing the coeds and ponying up cash for photos of the wreck and Kiffin with coeds in scandalous circumstances.

    Photo above is of Kiffin partying at a Knoxville bar last spring with Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin. Lane’s wife, Layla Kiffin, was allegedly home at the time nursing their newborn son Knox.

    If true these details bring together the worst of the Tiger Woods and Steve McNair scandals of last year.

    Check back for details as they develop…
  7. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    Lucky Knox !!!!:thumb:.
  8. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    And to think just two weeks ago Tennessee fans would wear out a new pair of lips kissing his a$$. I think Tennessee is much better off without him. However they deserved the sucker punch and the embarrassment after for hiring and then defending such a piece of dung.
  9. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Some of this stuff is not true. It was investigated last year by the AD office and most of the facts came out. Some of this stuff is true (along with a few other dubious events not listed here) and the Tennessee AD knows about it. I think in the end whats true and whats false will probably come out because there are people around Tennessee who want to sully Kiffin's reputation, which wont be hard to do.

    Here is another good read about Kiffin's lack of character. I dont like the writer but he is 100% dead on.

    Lane Kiffin's Comedy of Eras -- NCAAFB FanHouse
  10. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    from drc's linked article
    then wtf go along with the crap and join the little snot nosed douce at usc? sorry, i have zero respect for monte now, given he just goes along with this sh*t and allows himself to be used by his baby boy. he doesnt have to work so he could have said "sorry, not playing this game" and let jr sink or swim on his own. he's an enabler.

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