Lafayette plane crash

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by BP, Dec 28, 2019.

  1. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    He is one of those liberals. Liberals love their mooslems. They think it makes them look tolerant and progressive. It jusr exposes their naivete.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
    gynojunkie and JaxTigFan like this.
  2. 65Grad

    65Grad Maturity is Overrated

    Feb 5, 2003
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    You're kidding right?
  3. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    i get it, you are a pilot, you reference it constantly.

    large commercial aircraft, even when not piloted by you, are safer than walking.

    again, this is EVEN WHEN NOT PILOTED BY YOU. commercial large craft air travel is incredibly safe. to be anxious or nervous about is irrational.

    did you mention you are a pilot?
  4. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    correct. to criticize your own is widely believed to be sophisticated. that means whites, americans, christians, western foreign policy, etc. to defend the others (muslims, non-whites etc) is seen as noble.

    the unfortunate thing for these lefties that want to be critical of these things is that western white people, even christians, stand for the exact things they pretend they care about. western white christians pioneered womens rights, anti-slavery, anti-racism, gay rights etc.

    if i were to be critical of the catholics, and i am, very loudly, i would never get any pushback like "well X group is also terrible!". not in my whole lifetime of calling out christians/catholics. but damn near every time i am critical of muslims i get the "well christians are bad too"!. i know that. muslims are worse. way worse. even though they are largely brown people and lefty racists expect little from them. the bigotry of low expectations is always on display.
    gynojunkie, Winston1 and Bengal B like this.
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I always experience a bit of nervousness when the plane is making it's takeoff run. I have read about the effects of wind shear and downbursts even on large planes. It never stopped me from flying but I get nervous. Strangely I am never nervous when the plane is making it's landing even though I know that both landings and takeoffs is when most crashes occur.

    Maybe if Howard Sullenberger was the pilot on every flight I took I wouldn't be nervous.
    gynojunkie likes this.
  6. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    i didnt say there was anything wrong with being irrational. we are human. i am scared of snakes. even the non dangerous ones creep me out. i dont want to touch them. i am irrational.

    but planes i couldnt be more bored and unscared. one time i was in one that lost an engine in peru over the andes on the way to cusco and had to return to lima on one engine, could barely be bothered to wake up. commercial planes are as safe as a nap in a hammock. perhaps safer.
  7. BP

    BP Founding Member

    Aug 4, 2003
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    I really shouldn’t of said anything in the first place. And I won’t respond after this. But I do find it very interesting that you condemn me for being sarcastic yet have absolutely nothing to say about a post where a whole religion and by extension The believers of that religion were condemned. That is the real shame and you said nothing about it. Also, you are correct the old testament has been tempered by the New Testament. What about the Jews? They don’t believe in the New Testament and therefore have not been tempered. Does that mean the Judaism is also a violent religion? Of course not. Every religion in the world has violent “believers” who have done horrible terrible violent things to others in the name of their religion.
    didit likes this.
  8. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    well thanks for finding that interesting. perhaps you could be more direct with your criticism instead of just finding it "interesting"

    as far as comdemning entire religions, i am more than pleased to do it to any and all of them. and your claim about the believers, i do condemn them as well, to the extent they actually believe that dumb shit. but also i am sympathetic to them, because it probably wasnt their choice to be indoctrinated with the dumb shit when they were too young to have any critical thinking skills.

    i agree with you when you said "Every religion in the world has violent “believers” who have done horrible terrible violent things to others in the name of their religion."

    you should condemn yourself for not telling yourself that you find yourself "interesting". yunno in a backhanded and cowardly insult.
  9. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    All religions basically suck. They can't even agree with each other within the same umbrella. There are Southern Baptists and regular Baptists. There are Jesuits and Franciscans. There are polygamous Mormans and non polygamous Mormons. Orthodox Jews, Hasidic Jews and regular Jews.

    Who is one to believe? You may disagree but I believe in a supreme being or beings. Not because I feel spiritual or anthing but because I choose to believe just like I believe that I will win the Powerball. My bookie of years ago, now dead said you have to be a fool not to believe. If you believe and it turns out there is no God no harm no foul. If you don't believe and there is a God you are fucked for all eternity. You have to hedge your bet.
    furduknfish and LSUTiga like this.
  10. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    this is called pascals wager. believe because there is no downside.

    the flaw is that belief is not volitional, i.e. not a choice. you either believe or you dont. you cant choose to believe. i can tell myself i am gonna win the powerball all day, it wont work,i cant trick myself. i know the odds. i know i lose. i can hope. but i cant believe. thats the flaw in pascals wager.

    this belongs in the other fora
    gynojunkie likes this.

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