Yes because God knows Christians never engage in acts of terrorism like bombing churches and shooting up synagogues.
With Christians and others it's an anomaly. With muslims it's a way of life. or death and a tenet in their unholy religion.
The kid who had survived the crash just died. It is the day before his 16th birthday and the cake is still in the refrigerator. Very sad.
You’re right sir. My bad. For some reason I had forgotten that the Old Testament was an ode to peace and tranquility.
When I see Christians beheading Muslims to celebrate Christmas I'll start worrying about them at the controls:
this isnt the place to argue this, but so be it. Christianity went through a reform and became less violent. the new testament is a real damper on the violence of the old testament. islam has had no such reformation. also you dont have to be sarcastic. you can just disagree. you could say "i think christianity is violent aa well". and particularly in the context of airplane terror, your point would be terrible, but at least you wouldnt be so sarcastic and disagreeble.
being this sarcastic is unfortunate. why dont you just make your point. in your case it would be "i agree that muslims are often violent, but i would like to note that christians have a history of violence as well" that way we can say "ok, noted, thanks" instead of wondering why you are sarcastic and indirect. also your point is stupid.
this was a boko haram affiliated group. boko haram is allied with isis, but not isis. haram means dirty, the opposite of halal or kosher. boko means book or learning. trump was not discussing boko haram in nigeria in the discussion you sarcastically reference. he was discussing isis in syria.