According to Sam and others, lack of focus in practice before Auburn.
Correct. Great teams have great leaders (within the ranks). One of the many essentials needed to win Championships.
That AU game may just prove to be the GUT punch we needed to wake this team up and play to full potential. Lemons out of lemonade.
Hmmmmmm, Towson better put on extra pads. Even though they are not SEC, they are at risk of a sacrificial beat-down. I see Towson becoming a veritable piñata this weekend.........
It's encouraging to hear that they've recognized their problems from within. That shows maturity. I had been getting sort of an arrogant feel from this team, as if last year's accomplishments somehow guaranteed them a certain amount success this year. So it's good to hear them evidently learning from this experience. Also, remember that the previous week's practice was not held on Monday due to that asshat calling in the bomb threat to campus. That's the second time this year that a practice week has been disrupted, and the team looked sloppy for both games.
So, the journalist quoting Big Sam actually typed out in quotes "Games are ONE and lost during the week,..." Unbelieveable.