A big deal is being made of this on other boards, but the more I've looked at it the better I understand it. First of all, it was a down year in La for recruiting & we had to go out of state for a lot of guys. Secondly, with the hurricane it was very hard to recruit out of state guys & we had to take more chances than we would have otherwise. Thirdly, and this is the most important, we fully expect a couple to not qualify - that is why we oversigned. Even if it takes an extra year to get them on campus, we had to recruit them for this class so that we could get them later. And the guys we lost were not immediate need guys anyway.
thruthfully miles knew atleast 3 wouldn't qualify because we could only sign 24 and make the 85 scholly limit. so only one didn't make it that they thought would. thats why he gave a scholly to one walk on.
First the rip job the other day on Miles, now this--wow, Guilbeau is pissed off at LSU football something fierce these days!: http://www.shreveporttimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2006308010006
Alright my computer has been down so I appologize if the answer to this question has already been posted: Did Al Woods qualify?
Yes, but he hasn't been cleared to play/practice with the team yet by the NCAA clearing house. Same thing with Keiland, Murphy & someone else.