Haven't we gone just a little bit too far in the sensitivity direction? At the Earthquake Game in '88, a dude I had never seen before (or since) kissed me after the Eddie Fuller TD to win the game. It didn't scar me for life. It was funny.
People have trouble finding the balance point theses days. You know, there was an article in the paper this morning about a study that found that 25% of college females report being sexually assaulted. Date rape is a serious issue on campus, I do not minimize it, and awareness is high with both genders these days. But that percentage is so high that I wonder if incidents like yours are being construed as something constituting sexual abuse rather than teenage hijinks. I remember once trying to explain to an indignant yankee friend that strangers yelling "show your tits" at a Mardi Gras parade was just folks having fun and they aren't really demanding anything of her. She didn't need to be afraid.
I've noticed that some Yankees think someone saying, "Yes, Ma'am" or "No, Ma'am" is disrespectful, and they get insulted if someone calls them Ma'am, when of course, that's just the way a Southerner rolls (though, it's a little disconcerting that one of last year's new teacher babies always punctuates his conversations with me with, "Ma'am"...I guess he was just "raised right.") Even when I was in college nearly 30 years ago, there was a lot said about date rape. Several times, girls I knew said they'd been raped; however, that was generally after a guy had sex with them--and never called again. It made me skeptical, for sure. The other thing that made me skeptical was not having had any guys force themselves on me. There always seemed to be a stopping point that was easy to detect, but maybe it was the attitude I presented. I don't really know--my daddy raised a strong-willed daughter, and I'm trying to do the same with mine. My younger one already says she's going to break hearts whenever possible (and I believe her--and heaven help the guy that tries to have her do something against her will.) Yes, there should still be room for teenage hijinks. The world is serious enough as it is...
This thread almost gave me a coronary. When I read it my first reaction to "Kiss Cam gone" was that Cam Cameron got a better deal somewhere else and was going to pull a "Chavis" on LSU.
It has been my experience that if a woman is interested in you, she will find a way to let you know it. And if you pay attention, its not too difficult to discern where she draws the lines. This is of vital importance because no two women draw the line in the same place! They will draw it in different places at different times, and they will draw it in different places for different men. It pays ... ahem ... to pay attention.
Or you could just pull out your dick. If she screams or says eww...put it away. If she smiles...hey now, you're an all-star. If she laughs...tell her you're a grower not a show-er, but put it away before she snaps a pic. Teenage hi-jinks right?