Very much. I didn’t even have to quote anyone when I posted that cause I knew BB would take the chum like a bluefin.
We could disagree about who stuck a beam better and who's to say who's right or wrong. There is no argument about which horse outran the other horses. The balance beam in your mental scale is broken.
You haven’t been to many horse races. I’ve seen jockies head to the paddocks and fist fight after a race, picked up batteries a jockey unloaded on the back side of a race, to call out a couple of questionable finishes. EDIT: Here ya go, I fetched this for your “no argument” bullshit. lol
I went to a horse race and a hockey game broke out. There are some participants in every sport who cheat. Do you think football is not a sport because Tom Brady inflated his balls?
Don’t steer this to cheating. We’re (actually YOU were) talking about uncertainty of wins equating to defining an activity as a sport, sport.