And if it makes you feel better martin, strike though "claim" and replace it with "philosophy". That should get you through the night. Rove is too smart to come out & directly say something so asinine, but he's smart enough to find a way to get the message across.
None of what you said is in any way evidence that karl rove is anythi g other than a person with different views on how democracy and capitalism work to advance human progess. You and i do not agree either. Does this make me a bad person like rove because i believe that the most important thing on earth is that radical religion is the enemy of human progrss and is objectively inferiir to capitalsim and western style democrcy. is christopher hitchens a bad person is barack obama a bad person for vilating pakistani soverignty. Apoligies for mistakes i am typing on my phone on a shaky airplane
The pojnt being that painting you disagreemrnt as a matter of normative ethics where the oher guy is a evil jerk is stupid
That is not argument against the bush doctrine. Tat you are a cultural relativist and think the aggregate utility of the world is improved by allowing sovereign states to torture their own citizens, that is an argument. I would buy it somewhat because their is value in liberty, even if it results in injustice for some, because we can't speak to what makes those cultures happy. If Taliban guy likes to rape bitches, so be it. If Taliban or Iraqi bath party member allows invasions of American allies like Kuwait or doesn't shut down terrorist camps, that is less ok.
Bullshit. Just because you don't know something doesn't mean that no one does. Rove is the architect of partisan gridlock. He felt like once the GOP had all three branches of government, then it could simply ignore the other party and do what it wants, despite winning less than half of the popular vote in 2000 and having no mandate whatsoever. So they just rode roughshod over democrats like there would never be any payback. Well, Rove and the Neo-cons fucked up two wars and the national economy and got tossed from office and the Dems delivered the payback. Now nothing gets done in Washington and we can thank Karl Rove.
The Republicans will not learn their lesson as they have not for years. Karl will be back. Unfortunately.
we elect people to oppose views we don't like. If rove has a principle that he will not compromise on, then cheers to him. You aren't talking about actual policy, you never are. What did rove stand for that is so terrible? The bush doctrine? What's wrong with it? There are sane arguments against it that I think about all the time, but nobody makes them.
Illegal wiretapping of Americans, outing CIA operatives, lying to start a war. Yeah he is a swell guy. Not only is he a filthy disgusting rat, he looks like one too, and should be stomped out immediately like the rat he is.