Reaction on Bourbon St. Saints Video: Bourbon Street - Video | Video - Times-Picayune - -
Wow... For anyone that was in Baton Rouge... Did you hear the fireworks? Because I heard them outside my house and everyone that I talked to on facebook said they could hear fireworks... all over town... Just one of those moments... Best moment last night. Friend of mine likes to text me throughout the game. He sent one during the Vikings late drive... I knew it was negative, so I didn't read it. When Porter made the pick, I picked up my phone and yelled at it, "Buzz now, Motherf*cker!!!" then I spiked it into the couch... Thankfully it still works
I bet it was a statewide thing. Same things in my neighborhood in Gonzales. Fireworks, lots of screaming and yelling, horns blowing. I hear it was like that in Prairieville too. Absolutely incredible!
Hell must be freezing over, I never thought I would see this in my life time, we going to the super bowl!!! :thumb: SaintslogoSaintslogoSaintslogo
I live off South Sherwood, and yeah I heard fireworks. Also heard quite a few clips being emptied into the air.
I wish I owned an electronics store in the area. Large flat screen televisions will be flying off the shelf the next two weeks!
I ran outside and was screaming in the street. I yelled who Dat, and someone from the next street over answered me. Pretty neat. I am wearing my champagne drenched undershirt to work today.