Lot of Tiger love there. God bless em all but they all have another thing in common as well. No way this league makes it. I'm on the "Don't Pass" line
Well, sure, this is the equivalent of AAA baseball. Was surprised to see Wing on that roster, though. He started out well in the NFL.
I'm totally fed up with the NFL after the NFCCG debacle. I hope this league and the XFL succeed. Except for the Saints....FU NFL and FU Roger Goodell!!!!
Mettenberger was just named starting QB for the Memphis Express. We’ll get a rare sighting of a LSU QB playing professional football. Good luck bud!
Read an article last few days that the “end” NFL and college fb could be the lack of any insurance companies that will cover the multitude of issues with head/concussion type injuries. Supposedly NFL has 1 left.
The first game on Feb 9 and the championship on April 29 will be on CBS. One game each week will be on CBSsports network. The rest of the games will be streamed on the AAF app for free.