To be fair, when you're freestyling it really means nothing. I think he was only kicked off due to him having charges in high school, then saying those dumb things in a rap. Really don't see much of a school shooting potential there, but who knows.
Have to agree with Sono504 the main reason he was kicked of was because the prior charges. There are so many rappers who most of the time freestyle or rap stuff they have never done or will do. Now is he smart for raping about this stuff knowing his past conviction or image maybe but from looking on youtube I never saw that he posted the video himself. Only problem with him being kicked off does the violate his amendment rights.
So Stoops wanted to keep him? If I was Stoops I'd be pretty PO'd. It's one thing to be rapping those things, it's a whole other thing if he is actually doing it. It's a shame he lost such a great chance over one little freestyle. I can understand why but I could also understand Stoops not agreeing with it.
i agree. a column in the paper here said that without the gun charges, even if they were reduced to a misdemeanor, that the vid would have been nothing. and that the gun charges by themself, the kid deserved a second chance. but put the two together, and you may have a kid not learning from his mistakes. whatever the reason, rights, or anything else, the negative perception that it could cause is one a school doesnt need. there is so much bad news about fb players getting into trouble everyone is afraid (or should be afraid) of looking like thug u. perception is everything.
I was hoping this would shut up all the azzholes on who still maintain that Miles runs the inmate asylum, especially after it looks like they will take Jarvis Jones. No dice. :dis: