Wouldn't bet on it. Their friendly neighborhood administrator is busy telling everyone that JJ accepted a plea bargain and pled guilty. Which is a cool story and all, but it simply isn't true. It's more fun to make up facts that they prefer, I suppose. Of course, that site being that site, someone could easily have pointed out that the Grand Jury had dropped felony charges and promptly gotten banned.
i only have one thing to add to all of this...i as a parent with children if i heard some of the crap that some of the people on here are saying about my child..i would be one mad mother and feel alot of anger for people calling my son a thug when they dont even know who he is or even know him....so until you are in his shoes or were there...it is better to just let it go... its over with...so lets just enjoy our season..this great team and season and beat bama....and stop all the name calling and other crap about him....i did think we were adults here and name calling belongs back in elementary school... so with all that said..geaux tigers
I would tell you that you child is the quarterback of one of the most prestigious universities in country, and the leader of the best team in the nation and if you can't handle people being negative towards your kid, or critical, then just don't read or turn your television on at all. Look at all the crap Tim Tebow gets and that dude is like Jesus reincarnate.
i understand that..but this is an old issue and should be dropped is what im saying....we should just appreciate the season we have and calling a child names doesnt do anything for anybody
And the people that call JJ a thug with NO REAL KNOWLEDGE of the situation, or him personally, are equally as moronic as the ones who bash Tebow for his personal beliefs. Now as far as critiquing their football abilities, fair game. A little surprised at some of the comments today. Really thought the board was smart enough to realize...especially by now...that the tradition of breaking curfew was a long standing TEAM tradition, understood by the coaches, etc. To me, the one or two that DIDN'T break curfew with the rest of the team are the ones I would question their loyalty, leadership, and team spirit. It's really silly that curfew in this situation is what people are still clinging to to bash JJ. Silly. I honestly thought that was over the day after the incident, once it was common knowledge that the TEAM always breaks curfew after the last day of two a days.
:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:....critiquing skills is one thing...calling names is like being in elementary school and very unfair....ugh
I have agreed with most of your points in this discussion, but there are no children involved here. This is about young men that have friends serving in Afghanistan and other war zones...friends that they went to high school with. Not saying college kids don't do childish things, but that doesn't make them children. Especially when the one in question is a senior in college...not some 17 yr old freshman.
agreed...but i guess what bothers me is as adults as we are have all done stupid stuff and made bad decisions and not all good decisions, but that doesnt make us thugs or any other words that have been said about him in this thread...
And Vandy lost out to LSU for Gunner Kiel's commitment less than 2 days before this article was published. Sour Grapes perhaps?
What bothers me is that so many assume they KNOW ANYTHING about what happened at Shady's. As it stands right now, unless someone's willing to provide some sort of proof stating otherwise, Jordan Jefferson is an innocent man. He is charged with a misdemeanor, and his trial has yet to commence. I suppose before all charges were dropped against Johns, he was a thug too?