You mean Toliver played a good game. Jefferson played solid, he almost pulled a Lee, all the guy had to do is catch and it would have been a TD the other way.
That's the case with most passes.. lmao. Jefferson had a nice performance. He had some nerves it looked like but that's to be expected. Most importantly.. he got experience on the road in a shockingly hostile environment. Futures bright for him.. very very bright. Our defense sucked hardcore in the 1st half.. but excluding those patsy points scored as time expired we only gave up 3 points in the 2nd half. 3rd and Chavis has GOT to be fixed.
look dont misunderstand me. i didn't say that he sucked or anything. but if ANYONE on this team is happy about the "win" tonight. God help them. chavis?! that's another topic for another thread. i'm not sure that the two-headed monster was any worse.
I agree. Of course this puts a slight damper in the Jefferson is best QB in the world right now thread. He played solid, which is good. The need to stop the whole Scott up the middle crap, they need to stop it right now.
The offense put up 31 points. That's plenty. The defense sucked in the first half, that was corrected.. and they played well 2nd half. Conservative game plan against an opponent the underestimated. When we started throwing the game was out of reach. I wish we'd put the gas on and keep it on all game for once though.. like VT 2007.