Tiger fans of a certain age remember John Ferguson as LSU's play-by-play broadcaster. This World War II history blog has information about his days as a military pilot. http://ww2thebigone.com
Pretty amazing what the men (and women) of that generation did. Too many of us, me included remember only the LSU announcer and sports caster who wasn't very good. There was so much more to him and we need to know these added pieces of the story. Thanks mojo1a
What didn't you like about John's broadcasts? I grew up listening to him and he will always be the voice of LSU football in my mind.
You never really knew what was happening in a play. Many call went like this...."Screen hands off, there's a huge hole ....and he's tackled for a 3 yard loss". Like Hawthorne he would confuse players etc.
Your memory's a hell of a lot better than mine. I recall the occasional SNAFU, but for the most part the commentary seemed to be spot on. I was just happy to be able to listen to the broadcast, particularly after I got transferred to CO.
First and 10. Handoff to Alexander. He roars up the center of the line shedding tacklers before he's finally brought down. The ball is spotted on the 34 yard line and it will be second down and 9.