I've never understood the logic behind that. Aren't most merchant account fees something less than 2%? Let's call it 2% for round number's sake. A $5 charge costs you a dime. A $50 charge costs you a dollar.
Fees too. Settlement fees. Report fees. And the %is more than 2%. It's a shell game...visa charges around 6%. They can give you 2% but you'll get higher fees. Low fees and you pay higher %.
PBS pulls Besh shows from TV. http://www.nola.com/business/index....pulled.html#incart_river_mobileshort_home_pop http://www.nola.com/business/index.ssf/2017/10/john_besh_pbs_national.html#incart_breaking
I reacted so swiftly and strongly in the story above because every day since I started working for him, He used to berate, belittle and humiliate people mercilessly. And he would mock people's character. In my case, if he would have publicly criticized my work or effort, there would have been no problem...that's legit. Kind of like when Orgeron called out the kicker, Culp. But he always attacked and mocked peoples' nature...peoples' character. When he called me a liar, he crossed a line. It was a line I was prepared to defend. I've lost it in the kitchen before, but I never did what he did all the time. He has a character defect, a mental problem.
The first lesson I learned in the kitchen from a seasoned black chef was...it doesn't take a big ego to be great...it takes a big heart. You have to love your customers enough to really put your heart and soul into serving them. Try your absolute best and let the chips fall where they may. Their opinion counts not your opinion of yourself.
It was fine and seemed normal as you'd suspect. I dont like eating the big of a lunch during a normal workday, but the staff was great per usual.
I've never eaten there, but they have a great reputation...all of Besh's restaurants do. I wouldn't hesitate to patronize one of them. The kitchens of New Orleans are some of the best in the world. And at times it's like the wild west in the sense that a lot of life is lived in a short while. People think they can party, but it's nothing compared to the service industry here. First, the work is so intense and physically taxing for all sorts of hours. It naturally comes along with intense partying to unwind. Lots of cash and lots of drugs are involved. Lots of sex too...but it is usually consensual. When people use powerful authority in the workplace to leverage imposition is where the problem is. And trust me, it's not just in the Besh Restaurant group. It's everywhere. Not a lot of shrinking violets in this industry, but a lot of good people. The rate of alcoholism and addiction here is high and a lot of heroin addicts die way too soon. There's a fatalistic mindset operating a lot. That has fostered the harassment problem that is beginning to change.