No, I can't say ever but not while they were in college. I lived with several, I would've known. We partied 3-4 times a week.
In 1985 when I was living on Aster St, one of the football players would hang out at our place all the time. He would get high just like the rest of the people in the house.
you did say rodeo dudes which i missed. yeah cow tippers dont really qualify. You have to hang with the basketball and swim teams to get a real gauge of things
In 1985 police officers were slamming LSU players on the hoods of their units on a weekly basis and most never heard about it. Internet/cell phones, etc. has made it dam near impossible to sweep things under the rug.
Yes, I do drink a few beers occasionally. I have 2 cups of coffee every morning as well. I was speaking directly to LaSalle who is a dopehead who does drugs for the sole purpose of getting his mind altered. I do not plop myself on the couch and suck down alcohol for the sole purpose of getting smashed and then just sitting there to enjoy the drunken state. Neither is it a lifestyle for me. I do not jump to the defense of drunken idiots who take out innocent lives while driving drunk. I do not defend alcoholic idiots who abuse their spouses, claiming that alcohol is legal. So all of you can climb down from your soapboxes and continue doing whatever it is you do while sober.
Synthetic weed is very bad for you, yes. It's basically the pot equivalent to crystal meth. Just random herbs sprayed with chemicals. The players need to stick to the real stuff, because the fake stuff is literally toxic and as we've learned it still carries the exact same consequences.
btw, not all syn weed is illegal just a few chemicals. they will be subtly altered and therefore legal until new laws are made, and so on... im surprised if companies test for the current stuff. id bet the boys were using the old syn stuff.