Joe Schad tweet on LSU suspensions

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by islstl, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. TigerSnarl

    TigerSnarl Air Conditioned Gypsy

    Jan 21, 2004
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    Not all of it. Chemists are constantly coming up with new variations to skirt the laws. Look around the web, I was surprised by how many are claiming to be legal.
  2. msully

    msully Founding Member

    Sep 21, 2002
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    Naw never smoked it , just fired it up too cop a smell , was there not a test given ??
  3. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Are you sure you're not thinking of the bath salts? That stuff is very dangerous, but I've never heard of the synthetic herb causing those kinds of problems. They made it illegal in most states because teenagers were getting their hands on it. So the kids just went back to the real thing.
  4. vshouse

    vshouse Veteran Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    Why should the entire team pay for what Three guys did???? It's THEIR crime let THEM do whatever punishment is dealt out by miles!
  5. vshouse

    vshouse Veteran Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    It doesn't matter the players know the rules and knew there would be consiquinces if they break the rules......they broke them there are going to be consiquinces dealt out by miles. I'm good with whatever coach decides. My only hope is that they learn their lessons and move on. There's no need for sacasim from any of them.
  6. msully

    msully Founding Member

    Sep 21, 2002
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    You know it maybe time just to

    I am not talking about "The Ducks " I am a LSU fan .

    Well I will judge them for you .It is time if what you say is right , for us as fans to say "hey send them back home to mom . "That is why he acts on the field the way he does . I think everyone is too easy on the kds in school, High School. They think because "I'm a football player , they will let me slid " and they are right .
    I see the kids from a Elementary School here in Nashville walking home they, some of them are stoned . You think I don't have people lookiong for the bum that is waiting for them after school?? I know he maybe in the school, or he maybe there before school starts .We gonna get the bum . I do not give a tinkers dam how easily attainable it is . It don't do any good for your mind ,. Does it ? There are people dying just to get embalming fluid in their veins . And some who want to be KEWL and smoke it . Now ain't that a Hoot-n-holler ?
    This LSU team can do without those players !!!
    Because of what the players think is their right . Maybe, the only reason that this team becomes the team . We say was the team that could have been . This may very well be the best team ,I have seen . But they can't stay straight long enough to become a winner . They do not want too and it shows .They would rather be as you say KEWL
    It won't take much more from this team for me too become the 12th player .Ole Mo is a friend fo mine . I understand Ole Mo, just a thought placed in the mind . Mo takes the one who is a loser and gives him the strenght to become the winner .
    For now ,"GEAUX TIGERS !!!"
  7. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    - Fentnyl is not Morphine .. but it hits the same Opiod receptors and is hundreds of time more potent.

    - Cocain and Meth are not even remotely related, but they both increase NE and Dopamine release. ... with Meth being longer lasting, hence, "the poor man's cocaine".

    - Synthetic Weed contains no THC, but it contains chemicals [cannibinoids] that hit the same THC receptors.

    - Barbituates are not Benzodiazepines [valium], but they both activate the same GABA complex.

    - GHB, sold as a Health Food Supplement is not Rohypnol ..... but you can date rape a chick with it just as easily as you can rohypnol. AND ... like synthetic pot ... was banned off the market by the FDA

    Your line of reasoning is completely flawed! Simplistic and showing a lack of Pharmacological Understanding regading the effects of chemicals on the body.
  8. lsu_mackey

    lsu_mackey Agent Purple

    Sep 16, 2006
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    You're right, I have no clue what certain drugs do to the body but I do know one thing...certain legal drugs on the market, including alcohol, produce the same effects illegal drugs do yet they are legal in the eyes of the law.

    My whole point is that lsutiga equated this, subliminally or intentionally, to the Oregon situation in which we ran a few of their players through the mud for, what he says, is essentially the same thing. I am saying they are not alike in the least especially when the herb our players smoked was easily accessible in gas stations across Louisiana.

    Personally, I'd take them smoking synthetic marijuana over getting stopped for a DWI any day.
  9. ASD


    Jun 6, 2011
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  10. ExoticGlass1

    ExoticGlass1 Founding Member

    Aug 31, 2004
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    The synthetic is very dangerous.. It can cause seizers, strokes, heart attacks.. you name it.. The articles I've read make it sound nothing like weed, it makes you speed, extremely high heart rate..

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