Joe Paterno fired by Board of Trustees

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by islstl, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. LSUTyga73

    LSUTyga73 Football Connoisseur

    Sep 22, 2004
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    At age 85 and fading away as a head coach, I question how much power he really had in that bureaucracy. But I agree, he had his chance to come out but instead deferred the responsibility to someone higher up in the chain. Coward move and deservedly got him fired. With great power comes great responsibility. Maybe he was naive to think that the higher-ups would take care of it. Who knows.

    I wanna know where are the parents of the kids in all this? How does a guy like this go free for so long?
  2. TigerFan90

    TigerFan90 Too far away from home

    Dec 3, 2003
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  3. Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania Go easy on me

    Sep 16, 2011
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  4. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    This is exactly what happened in Tennessee after Kiffin and Orgeron left. :popcorn:
  5. rockwallfan

    rockwallfan Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    i never was a paterno fan, he should have been gone several years ago. he was the most powerful person at penn state for several decades and, i'm sure, felt he could do no wrong. he ruled. although he did bring notice of what was going on, he dropped the ball when he didn't follow up on the subject when nothing was done. did he have anything to do with the information stopping before law enforcement was notified? i hope not and have to give him the benefit of the doubt. but sandusky was on campus only last week. that should not have been allowed! that schools image is going to take a beating for years to come!
  6. tigerchick46

    tigerchick46 Quick Learner

    Nov 2, 2011
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    This was the right decision. It was the only decision. Unfortunately for Joe Paterno his decision not to resign Immediately when this scandel broke will serve as the final act in totally and completely destroying his legacy and rightfully so. Because his statement about how“with the benefit of hindsight I wish I did more” was not nearly enough. He didn't realize this problem was bigger than his legacy, which he was trying to protect.....they shouldn't have fired him over the phone though after 61 years, and his wife shouldn't go outside in that horrible moo moo gown in the middle of the night either...just sayin!
  7. Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania Go easy on me

    Sep 16, 2011
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    Hey! She's in her 80's!
  8. tigerchick46

    tigerchick46 Quick Learner

    Nov 2, 2011
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    That doesn't make it ok.....everyone has to answer to someone, clean it up Ms. Pa
  9. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Dude, you don't have to click this thread. If you only want to talk about lsu there are many other threads on the board.
    I warned you before a week ago, f'kin with izzy is a bad idea. You aren't gonna make many friends fighting with the old timers that have been here for years and years. You seem to be cool, I don't want to see you get banned. You just can't get into pissing contest with people like izzy, red , fish and the like. Sabanfan will come look for you. Be careful.
  10. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    RW ... this sounds like nobody should "disagree" with the old timers.

    Granted, I don't go for "fighting" with the oldtimers, but hey, people can respectfully disagree. Sometimes, people view things in a different light. It's not that they think the other perspective is wrong necessarily, but that there could be other things going on that are not being recognized.

    Me personally, I don't go for all the "assumptions" being made. I view this whole thing from a political perspective, for which I do not agree that Paterno is anywhere near the kingpin. Hence, this is why the State Authorities have brought no charges against Paterno, or the Grad Student. This thing reeks of the typical bureaucratic corruption that occurs at high levels that we the public are never privy.

    Who's to say .... for all we know, the very board of trustees who fired Paterno could have had knowledge of the coverup, and went along with it, may have even been a part of it .... "in the interest of the University as a whole". Afterall, these matters have a way of going viral on an institution. I'd say they had more to protect than Paterno did. And ..Who's to say that Paterno did not approach Curly and ask about followup, only to be told that it has been handled and to stick to his job while they handle their responsibilities.

    I understand the public opinion and the outrage ... morally, Paterno should have taken on this case personally, alerted the police, ditched his long standing friendship, insisted to his own personal destruction that he be shown the updates to the issue. He himself has acknowledged, in hindsite, he should have done so.

    Instead, he went along with University Policy. He forwarded the issue up to the proper authorities who should have carried it further. They are the ones who should have alerted the University Police, as well as the State Police. For all I know, Paterno had to accept the continued presense of Sandusky as evidence that the furthered investigation cleared his friend.

    One thing is for certain. Paterno, who has had no charges filed against him other than in the court of public opinion, has been fired. Meanwhile, Curley, the guy who has been charged by authorities for engaging in the coverup, ... the guy who did most certainly have the responsibiity to forward the issue on to State Authorities, .. is out on "Administrative leave".

    Paterno's firing would be a lot easier for me to accept if 1) Curley was immediately terminated .. and 2) Schultz is brought up on charges of child endangerment and sent to prison. ... for ultimately, it was Schultz, the Vice President, who orchestrated and demanded the coverup. I would also like to hear some testimony that Paterno was privy to the coverup, or was threatened to keep his mouth shut. If that was indeed the case, that Paterno knew of the coverup, then by all means .. he deserved to be fired.

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