Facebook is obviously not a reliable source for news. Wonder what motive someone would have to lie about what happened?
if Joe was reaching in Gasser's vehicle to grab the guy, saying something like "i'm gonna beat the phuck out of you" then yeah, i think it's justified. If Joe stood next to Gasser's, cursing him, telling him to get out and fight, then no, that's not justified. Curious to know what really happened.
You know the answer as well as I do. If they are shouting obcenities at you and approach your car in a threatening manner you have the right to protect the safety of yourself and passengers. If they are smiling and passing out religious pamphlets, as annoying as that can be deadly force would be carrying things a bit too far
The tragedy would be if Joe's home boys were threatening Gasser and Joe was collateral damage when he tried to defuse the situation. We will probably never know what really happened
Probably different in Colorado. There you are probably guilty of a hate crime if you beg for your life
This is SO different than the "Joe was pulled from his car, was apologizing, was shot point blank, was told he f***** with the wrong guy, was shot again while laying on the ground." Eye witnesses appear to have been full of shyte.
What concerns me is the stability of this guy as the article brings out this is not his first rodeo with road rage. He beat someone before because they reported his erratic driving. The fact that Joe was unarmed raises concerns for me. I can't believe that some people are so afraid of an ass beating that they shot someone. It's the pussification of America. With this guys background I'm not sure he should have been released without bail. Sounds like he has a friend somewhere, I know if the tables were turned Joe would be made out as a thug and still sitting in jail!
I'm all for gun rights but if you previously got out of your car on the side of he road to beat the shit out of someone, wouldn't you fall into the category of mental illness?
Except that there is a mob mentality in our country today. Many of my black friends on FB are about ready for the riots to begin. I have no idea what really happened, but it seems to me, with the current racial climate in our country, Mr. Trigger Happy should probably still be sitting in jail until a thorough investigation has been conducted. Because I do agree with something that many of my black friends are saying. If McKnight, a black man, had shot Gasser, a white man, McKnight would still be sitting in jail.