Wow. I have a real problem with that. I find it difficult to believe that he would have been released if he'd been anything other than white. What was the bail amount?
Nothing. He was released pending the investigation. Basically they are saying they can't tell yet if it was justifiable.
i No bail. Just released and not charged with anything yet. Got to be more to the story than first reported. Sounds like McNight's posse told one story and the shooter's pals told another. Whatever happened to the guy who shot Will Smith? Never heard of any charges
My problem is this, if it was justifiable why after you shot him the first time do you stand over his body and pump another bullet into his chest?
The linked story says that the 3 shots were fired from inside his car.
Your use of the word murder is premature. In light of the subsequent proceedings by the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office it's a lot more likely that if Gasser is ever charged with anything it would be at worst manslaughter or negligent homicide. Since all the shots were fired from inside Gasser's car and all the shell casings were inside the car it simply didn't happen the way you described. Since your vehicle is an extension of your domicile it naturally follows that you are protected by the same law that allows you to shoot somebody for breaking into your house.
So what you're telling me is if anyone approaches my car and I feel threatened I can blast them. This country is koo koo for Cocoa Puffs.
Depends on the circumstances. Could depend on whether you are really threatened or if you are just paranoid. If you shoot an old lady in the grocery store parking lot just because she walked by your car, then no. If a group of young black men are threatening to drag you out of your car and beat your ass then yes