I am MOST worried about something happening WHEN I carry. Under the most justifiable scenario I still would dread what comes after. The police statements, always looking over your shoulder for retaliation from a family member, etc.
This too is very true. The consequences are real and, in many cases, eternal. It's not the ones like you I worry about Tiga, it's the one's with an itchy trigger finger, a chip on their shoulder and enough internal angst to do something stupid and they have no idea about the consequences.
What made me go get my permit was cause it amazes me how young punks don't value their own lives, muchless someone else's. Seriously, when I hear inner city kids interviewed I feel sorry for them cause they think it's normal to die young, if "it happens." In a way I guess, to them, it is "normal."
Actually, i hardly ever carry a gun when im walking around. But been around people who have, concealed, not concealed, strangers....it never bothered me. I probably briefly thought that no one better try something here if i saw someone with an exposed gun, then forgot about it. Sure when i was young i got into a few fist fights. But when a stranger physically attacks a grown man, in any era, he is liable to lose his life. It is sad that human life has been cheapened, where some people so easily kill, and where some people so easily inflict violence on others.
I have no problem with people who decide to exercise their right to "open carry" but I do not agree with it, and will never do it. 1. I worry about the loon who will freak out, try and disarm me, or make a huge scene and I end up arrested for disturbing the peace. It can and has happened to people. 2. If you just happen to be in line at the wrong place and time, the location someone decides they're going to commit armed robbery or worse, that gun on your hip will most definitely get you shot first. 3. I do not like the attention it creates. I prefer to carry anonymously, where no one is the wiser. Whether I carry or not, it is my business and no one else's. Now back to the original topic, it appears Gasser has been arrested and charged in the death of McKnight.
He was charged with manslaughter. http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2016/12/joe_mcknight_gasser_arrest.html#incart_river_home_pop
Scoot on WWL was talking the other day - specifically about the Bourbon St. incident, but I think it applies here as well. He said in all the discussion about how to make Bourbon safer, the unspoken question is, "why do so many people these days resort to solving their disputes with a gun?" Even as a 2nd Amendment advocate, I don't have a big problem with that thought, but I would change the wording a bit, and here's where it applies to the McKnight case. Why do so many people these days think the only way to resolve a dispute is to kill the person they have a dispute with?
Obviously the police felt he was not in danger of great bodily harm and Joe was not unlawfully entering his vehicle. That's the case then Gasser needs to be locked up.
While. it's not something I want to do myself, I support the right to open carry. The few people I know who do open carry are responsible gun owners who I would even say are mentally stable. It's the people like those loons out in Oregon who give open carry a bad name. But like you, I prefer to be the only one who knows that I'm carrying, and what.
Oh don't get me wrong, I support the right of open carry, to each their own. It's just not for me, doing so opens the door to many possible problems, I just don't think it's worth it for me personally.