Then I am thinking you would have taken a beating. Assuming the buoy was not in the vehicle at the time. Or your wife for that matter...
can you imagine and describe a scenario where the vehicles arrive in those positions where Gasser in the aggressor? I can easily describe where Joe is the aggressor.
Yeah, maybe he wanted to turn and was trying to get in the other lane. How do you know Gasser didn't cut him off 3 miles back? All you can tell from where the vehicles are is where the vehicles are.
Great post, @Winston1. I have a concealed carry license and I am very pro-2nd amendment. I got my license to carry for long road trips back and forth between NC and my home in LA or my wife's home in TX. I've seen enough road rage incidents over the years in making that trip that I feel justified in doing so. That said, there is no doubt an element of people who see open carry as a license to be John Wayne and they trouble me. I don't like seeing someone openly carry in the middle of our corner grocery store or at my kids soccer games.
I do. It makes me feel safer. The more the safer i feel. The odds on a criminal or terrorist causing unrest goes way down. Your fear is kind of like people's irrational fear of flying. Flying is much safer than driving, but many people have an irrational fear of it, and instead drive. It makes them 'feel' much safer, when the opposite is true.
See, and I don't mean this in a derogatory way but it would seem that you are the one is fearful. The reason that I do not carry when I go to events like my kids soccer games or when I run to the grocery store for milk is because I am not afraid of what might happen. When I see people who are carrying I often wonder what they are afraid of happening. Maybe that makes me naive for assuming the best about my neighbors but I'll take my chances in Hendersonville, NC. Another concern I have when I see people openly carrying is how well do they use that weapon and do they possess the judgement to know when and when not to brandish it. I have a theory that a lot of people carry weapons these days because we have become a nation of people who don't know how to take an ass whipping. I am not saying you are one of those people but it's true in general. No one wants to lose a fight anymore so they take it to the extreme instead. Growing up in Denham Springs, Louisiana in a neighborhood of about 15 other boys my age, you won some and lost some but you always lived to fight another day and no one gave you too hard a time when you lost as long as you didn't puss out.
Going back a long time, to the sixties when I was a teen, in general, fights stopped with "first blood." Today, it appears to me that we have lost the taboo against killing a fellow human. There is no doubt in my mind this Gasser fuck head started this shit as he has a history of it. Another thing in this article says if Gasser was so scared for his life, why roll the window down? If someone is trying to get in your car or you fear they are, do you roll the window down? Fuck no you don't. This piece of shit needs to be locked up.
I was on the receiving end of several ass whippings in the sixties that taught me a valuable lesson. And that was to keep my mouth shut unless I was provoked to the point where I didn't have a choice.