Joe McKnight just became Tiger Bait!!

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by lsuk, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. Mr. B

    Mr. B Founding Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Re: McKnight to USC

    Wonder what made him change his mind.

    He stated as that as of Tuesday (yesterday) he was going to LSU. Then somewhere in the next span of hours he and his mom decided that he should go out to California.

    I think Cali is an interesting draw for lots of kids. They see the glitz and glamour of the area and that is what they want to be a part of. Its all good.

    The Tigers will get plenty of good players.

  2. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Gee whiz guys, sometimes kids want to go somewhere and experience something new in life. He isnt Tiger Bait, he is an after thought now.

    Good luck to him, I hope he does well, but for me he is about as relevent as the 2nd team OL. Not that he wont be a great player, but what do I care at this point what he does.
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  3. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    It would have been nice to get him. Darn. USC is in the catbird's seat, it seems.

    We do have some really good RBs already and I was wondering if it would be fair to all parties involved to add another highly skilled RB. We could have used him to catch passes ala Bush, but we have Trindon Holliday who can handle that job nicely.

    Enjoy California Joe. :geauxtige
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Re: McKnight to USC

    Let me get this right . . . a kid choses to go to school in Los Angeles. A place where there is no winter, but there are Playmates, aspiring actresses, the beach, and all the glitter that is Hollywood. A pretty good academic school that happens to be the most successful football program in the country that cranks out Heisman winners and is a contender for the NC each and every year. A place where the media exposure is unequalled. He's not supposed to see all that?

    You know, some kids just like to go to the big city where they can be far away from family and get a fresh start. Not everybody in this state is born an LSU homer. The kid's home was destroyed by Katrina, think about it.

    What the hell is wrong with coach Curtis for supporting his kids in where they want to go to school? Not a damn thing. Does he owe LSU more than he owes his players?

    If you watch recruiting for 30 years or so, you realize that LSU is not going to get every kid it goes after and not every kid in Louisiana is dying to attend the school down the road. For some it's their first chance to see the world and they take it.

    Chill a bit amigo, or you are going to have ulcers before you are twenty.
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  5. TigerFan23

    TigerFan23 USMC Tiger

    Dec 11, 2003
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    Did you really think Reggie Bush was going to convince him to go to LSU?
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  6. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Re: McKnight to USC

    It's not a high school's place to tell a kid where to go to college. In the United States, we have this thing called 'Freedom of Choice'. Maybe you've heard of it?
  7. burningitup

    burningitup Founding Member

    Jan 11, 2007
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    Did you really think Reggie Bush was going to convince him to go to LSU?

    Isn't it against the rules for Reggie to help recruit?
  8. TGer'nLHornLand

    TGer'nLHornLand Founding Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    Re: McKnight to USC

    :) You know, I can't help but post a basketball related post given this... especially since there was a foreshadowing of this in a basketball related recruiting thread.

    Remember this speech if Greg Monroe decides to go out of state next year...(he's supposedly now also considering Tim Floyd and USC). I'm sure the folks on this thread will blame that loss on Brady... I see that no one here is lighting up Les. :redface:

    Bottomline, you never know what is going through these kids' minds, and it's hard to compete with all the other premier colleges picking on LA kids' desire to get out of the state.

    It's looking like a good class, nevertheless. :geauxtige
  9. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    Re: McKnight to USC

    Maybe he will have a dream tonight about Tiger Stadium and as long as he doesnt step foot on USC's campus he could be ours. Ok wishful thinking, I wish him luck until the day we beat them for the NC.:geauxtige
  10. geauxgeauxhon

    geauxgeauxhon blah blah blah

    Jan 3, 2007
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    Re: McKnight to USC

    He says as of yesterday he was going to sign with LSU, but I really think that if the deadline had been yesterday evening, he'd have changed his mind yesterday afternoon. The kid just wants to go out of state. As others have said on here, not everyone in La. loves LSU.

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