DJ Mangus stays and we’re solid ... Mangus has the Brady Program down ... Mangus has the practice regimen down ... That’s a 30% chance that would require FatAss WoodenHead to pony up with the bucks and that likely ain’t gonna happen! Likely Mangus goes to Carolina with Brady ... But who knows! I predicted Saturday Night before the game that Brady was gone ... Hate being right but I told you clowns after that joke 3 for 3 contract Lessons Learned: Talking to Bobby this week before vacation to get the message to Orgeron to “suggest” that new pay scale I came up with in another thread to stop this bleeding before Aranda, Cregg, Busch, et al are gone ... DJ Mangus is kinda like the first clone in that Michael Keaton movie Multiplicity, the cool one that accidentally stuck his cock in Andie McDowell (Shown driving away w/Clone 2&3) That’s Ensminger in the back seat ... STFU CaCa you’re wrong about everything and we’re back to mediocrity without young coaches Ramah cashed in his tickets and we headed for the reefs of Polynesia Friday for a month ... Maybe some of that sweet PolyPie will wash the bittersweet taste of this fiasco outta my mouth. Could have had a three year Natty Run with Brady ... I could taste it ... Success Sucks!!!
If he thinks dealing with 17 and 18 year old prima donnas is tough, wait till he has to deal with millionaire prima donnas like Scam Newton or the next wide receiver like Antonio Brown. With the Saints he was working with Drew Brees, Taysom Hill, and others who had a great work ethic and put the team 1st.
It's not nearly as simply as finding another diamond in the rough. Brady was one of the luckiest hires ever made. O could go his entire career and not hit on another Joe Brady and it wouldn't mean he was a failure. That's just how rare what Joe did was.