Ole Uncle Joe. @shane0911 your crystal ball is looking pretty good my friend. Biden seeking the support of Elizabeth Warren? If he gets her support that's a game changer. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/biden-secretly-met-elizabeth-warren-211312723.html
Biden is a good man, highly qualified, and not too far left to swing the moderates . . . but . . . he is too old, seems too aggrieved by his son's death for his own good, and is a tenuous speaker prone to making the kind of Romney-type gaffe that kills a campaign. He will be competing directly with Hillary's demographic, only he will get fewer youth votes and black votes than Hillary. He has far less campaign money. And he won't have Smooth Bill talking on the campaign trail . . . and he may not have Obama either. I suspect his friends are telling him that his day has passed and that he should take advantage of his lofty status right now to throw his support to his favored candidate and get a less-demanding final government position on the cabinet or the diplomatic service. he could name his job.
I suspect that this load of donkey crap is exactly what you repeat to yourself every night until you fall asleep. "Please Joe, don't make the bad man come for his bourbon "
What if he pulls the support of Elizabeth Warren? That's a calculated move and will have progressives salivating.
Could he be offering her first shot at VP? That would send Broom Hilda's campaign staff over the edge.
If Joe Biden were to be a one term president he would be about the same age when he left office as Ronald Reagan was. With age comes a certain wisdom if he is in good physical and mental health. Who are you to judge the depth of another man's grief and how it may affect his job performance? Brett Favre played the greatest game of his life on the night that his father died. From the camera shots of his face he was clearly in pain but he overcame it. Biden's son's death was recent and with some time Joe will resume his normal activities. You don't see the polls do you? Hillary is losing more and more of her demographic by the day. I haven't seen her stats on black voters but she is to the point where only 49% of women voters consider her trustworthy. And its only going to get worse as the investigation continues. Take off your blinders and read the handwriting on the wall.