big time, especially as it pertains to afghanistan. biden made ryan look like the student.....ryans's body language agrees with me.
the biggest punch was Ryan arguing against the stimulus, but he voted for it under Bush and asked the Obama admin for stimulus funds for his district. That will severely hurt him tonight.
And romney and ryan need to start giving some specifics on their plans. It keeps getting thrown in their face.
Everyone thinks their guy did good. Last week Dems felt Obama didnt his points out. Both sides points were laid out tonight so igs a wash. Any "We won!!" is partisan bullshit.
thats a lie most dems and I said that ROmney won last week thats not partisan, thats telling the truth. You should try it. Biden smashed him just like Romney smashed Obama. not by the same margin, Ryan won on some points, but he lost.
now the right is crying about Biden interrupting Ryan, when Romney did that many of times last week. Hypocrisy at its finest.
Im not even a Republican and I thoughr they laid their points out. If you thought your guy did it well tonight then good for you. Reps will like their guy. This debate they got their sides out there and gave people somerhing to chew on. If you want to swallow Biden no one can really argue with that.