Because you listen to the Govt released figures. CPI is growing at 9% each year based on our old method of calc.
About twenty years ago a set of about sixty or so apartments were built a short distance down the road from my house. At first the apartments were inhabited by families. There were both white and black families living there. There were decent cars parked there and we had very little problems with crime generated by the new apartment's inhabitants. Five years or so passed and these apartments turned into government assistance apartments. Within a few months all the white people were gone. Every month you heard about someone in the neighborhood's house getting robbed. Cops were always over there all hours of the night. Our property values dropped. I was ready to sell my house and leave. About ten years ago the appartments must have went back to regular rental units. There are both black and white families living there again. Decent cars are parked there. The cops are seldom there and we don't have the break INS anymore. What does that tell you about the government getting involved in rental assistance? Could it be that the governmental involvement causes the effects we saw?
Yes but 9.4%/year over how many years. 1 year, 10 years, 100 years? Is this a short term number or a long term number?
That shadow stats site made the same claim about inflation being way higher than what the government indicated, but it was bogus and the reason they got the higher number was partly because their methodology was stupid and partyly because they didn't apply the right components of the historical formula. This might be the same thing. Link me to the study, so I can see the methodology and results. I bet it is bunk.