2theadvocate.com | News | Jindals get Saints? tickets; lawmakers scramble — Baton Rouge, LA Good Lord. Does he spend any time in this state?
Why should Jindal pass on an oppurtunity to market the state on an international stage? Jindal can be knocked for several things, but his commitment to economic development is paying dividends. If he can parlay the Saints success into job creation I am for it.
His commitment to Educational Development is a joke. Economic Development will not mean crap when all we have are slack jawed yokels in this state. I voted for the guy. I am not bagging on him for some political whine. I just feel that he is the leader for this state. Maybe he should spend some time in the state leading, as opposed to jetsetting around the country.
seems like an odd thing to be concerned about. not the actual issue, which is irrelevant, but whether sabanfan is even-handedly caring about nonsense.
Me postinng this also stems from the fact that the superbowl is no longer for the fans. It is all corp bull****. The Saints and Colt each got 4000 tickets, for a 70,000 seat stadium. WTF.