No, that's not discrimation based on race, religion, sexuality or sexual orientation. Actually I would because it's more money.
So you would also bale one for a Nazi with a swastika ion it, or one for a Klansman with a scene of a black guy hanging from A tree while a cross burns nearby. You can buy pot with their money too.
I don't agree with people that burn the American flag either but it's their right to do so. Yes I would. They are free to think and feel what they want. You think gay people would not serve Christians? Nope. Christians need to grow the fuck up.
Malarkey. There is no problem that this order cures. All it does is poison Louisiana for big corporations who don't want to be associated with discrimination. It's more religion in government where it doesn't belong. And the Republicans own it. So a nation has to make a call and it has. The notion that you may be personally offended does not allow you to discriminate to make yourself feel better.
Yes, people have a right to think and feel what they want, including Christians. Its not just Christians who don't approve of homosexuality. @uscvball posted a video of a gay guy trying to buy a gay cake at different muslim bakeries and none of them would.
And they should have to sell them a cake too. They can feel or think whatever they want they just can't discriminate.
Sure, Bobby Jindal has going from being "The Boy Wonder" to "What the hell could he be thinking?" The point is that basic discrimination is both illegal and wrong. It would be wrong to refuse to sell a loaf of bread or a weedeater or a bottle of scotch to anybody because of their race, religion or sexual preferences. But beyond basic service no business owner should be forced to provide extra or special services to anybody he doesn't want to whether its because he doesn't like the way they look or if they are gay.. I don't see that very many businesses would be affected by Jindal's edict but it always reverts back to that hypothetical bakery because bakeries not only sell cakes, cookies, brownies, bear claws, pastries, ect, they also sell wedding cakes. I don't know much about wedding cakes but I imagine that some are premade and sold off the shelf and others are specially baked according to the wishes of the bride to be. It's the special services area that would seem to come into play. A gay person could buy a cake and then purchase some male or female figurines depending on what they are to top the cake and could purchase some icing and whatever they call those things that write script on cakes and do it themselves. If I was a Christian baker I would sell anybody a basic cake with decorate-it-yourself instructions and accessories but I wouldn't bake some kind of homoerotic abomination. Just for the hell of it I might have a selection of premade cakes with names that would be offensive or not to some who might otherwise want them, such as: Polesmokers Paradise, The Hershey Highway, The Carpet Munchie Cream Cake. Take that to court if you want.