Maybe, maybe not. If Tebow hadn't thrown the jump pass maybe Leak would have completed a TD pass or maybe they would have run it in. We can't know what would have happened even if TT had stayed on the bench.
Yeah we can, you can take away 2 touchdowns. He was 2/2 for 2 TD's, he also picked up a bunch of firsts with his legs. Chris Leak did nothing and I wanna say LSU turned the ball over 5 times. LSU should have won a national championship that season.
Or, he realizes that quick play offense equates to more defensive snaps, and is an uphill battle. Or, some other internal reason. For those wanting Pelini over Muschamp, Muschamps longest and most successful tenure was his DC stint at UT. What was wrong with that? Unlike his AUB stint, his UT was over multiple years. I would not let his one year at AUB be so off putting. Pelini was good, but I was always on edge that his B10 ways were going to catch up to him. I'd take either, and will be quite happy w/Muschamp.
Jimbo would be a great hire! One of the best QB developers we ever had. Ran the offense around the talents of the team. Got to work for Saban and Miles. Has done pretty well at Florida State. Winston definitely had one of the best coaches to develop him so quickly. Wonder if his current staff would follow him. Anyone have a clue how good his coordinator's are right now?