I truly think that ship has sailed although I agree. The question is, what is the best path going forward? I see Jimbo as the only legitimate big time coach that is a possibility, but he is a long shot at best IMO. What comes after that? Mullen? PHUCK NO!!!! The rest of the lists I've seen are totally unrealistic dreams, ain't happening. So what young talented guys have resumes that actually contain a little beef? Not just a couple years at San Jucinta Jr College. That's the list Alleva should be going over with a fine tooth comb, seeing which are real coaches or just smoke and mirror magicians. Which can recruit. Which can make hires and develop players. Who can SPEAK THE PHUCKING ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN A WEEKLY SCHEDULED PRESS CONFERENCE? Because if no one on the planet can understand what you're saying then how are a bunch of 18-19 year olds going to understand you in the heat of battle? If you get so flabbergasted at a press conference you can't speak English, how the phuck are you going to respond as the last seconds tick away in a 1 point game between top 10 teams? These are the coaches Alleva should be looking at and the questions he should be asking otherwise we will be looking at Mullen or Gene Chizik and wondering what the phuck just happened.
I'm glad someone else isn't thrilled with this idea. I like Jimbo, I was happy for him when FSU won. I'm just not very confident about his ability to have game to game success in the SEC. You can get away with mediocre games most of the time in the ACC.
Are you phuking serious? Gene Chizic is a defensive coordinator, never coached offense in any capacity.
The team quit on Chizik as HC in 2011. I don't know how much of that was missing Malzahn and how much of it was just the wheels coming off after a couple close losses. He's doing well in North Carolina.