I want LSU to win and be successful like everyone else, but I am tired of watching us punt 10x a game, seeing big plays constantly called back due to stupid ass penalties, numerous false starts, and just flat out uninspired play. The players seem to be clueless for 50 out of 60 minutes. Losing and doing so being competitive is one thing, but losing due to simple yet stupid execution problems is another.
Well if you're only winning 7 games with LSU talent that's exactly what you're going to see. You don't have better talent than 90% of the teams you play and only win 7 games by playing great ball.
On the flip side of that, I'm sure IF Jimbo Fisher were to come in, he'd be able to develop and utilize said talent in a manner that we wouldn't see this sort of dumbassery on a weekly basis.
Maybe. I don't care how established you are or what your track record, changing coaches is a gamble. It wouldn't be the first time a home run hire has failed. That's why I'm less concerned about getting a so called established coach, there are no guarantees in the coaching business.
loI I loved tank. Dude was just a bar room animal who was perfect for launching the octagon vision in the early days. He sucked at winning, but the dude would eat glass on a dare.
Completely agree. I'd prefer to keep Miles if he could see through his thick headedness and just hire the best coordinators and let them do their jobs. Currently he has a staff full of buddies who are just going through the motions and collecting fat ass checks. It ain't working.