Actually, there was mention of coercion. In high school, I guess that means "asking" more than once. Of course, maybe your daughter (or will be daughter) may be in this situation one day. Remember, it is better to give than receive.
They both hold the same charge in a court of law, but I agree that there is a one big difference: one is consensual and one is not.
This is another instance where none of us were there and have no idea exactly what happened. We all would do the world an incredible service if we refrained from advancing the agenda of gossip and stick to the facts. All charges were dropped. You can read into that whatever you want, but at the end of the day it usually means that either the parents of the girl asked that the matter no longer be pursued or that there was no evidence to support the charge.
If JHill almost went to jail for getting a bj in highschool then they better get a cell ready for him on campus. Dadgum no good bj gettin crimnal lock em up!