I am trying to combine what others have already posted and the limited information we have regarding this incident. Girl is 14 years old- The LAW states she can not give consent,rumors about her character do not change this fact. Hill is 18 years old-The LAW classify Hill as an Adult. Police Investigation--We can speculate that this turn into a he said, she said situation, even if it comes out that there was no force used, because of the victim's (State Law) age Hill gets charged. Really getting ahead of things,look for this case down the road to be Plea Bargain out, really do not think they will want the victim to take the stand.
They went to the same school. I'd be willing to bet he knew her age, and that does him in. That's not being judgemental at all. That's just the way it is. He's not gonna play football in 2011, bro. Nowhere.
It seems it was investigated a little over a week. Actually, she can give consent, but it's still illegal because of her age and the age difference between the parties involved. She was 'pressured'. Hill would have been charged with rape if there was a question of consent. And you're right, given the track record of the EBR DA's office there is nothing to expect but a plea deal. http://www.legis.state.la.us/lss/lss.asp?doc=78534
He is still showing up on Dandy Don's site like he was offered. Did we offer him or was it pulled? If pulled, did that spot go to Rasco or is it vacant?
Vacant. It appears we will not sign our allotted 22 scholarships this year (Fordham being counted as well that would have made it 23).