Agreed, and more. There's another thread talking about this and I just posted a lot of the same stuff.
Doesn't fit because he decommitted almost a month before the incident in question and his mom was pushing way before the decommit.
Good riddance. I was never really big on this guy. The whole de-commitment thing really turned me off. See ya, pal.
How many times is the first story that breaks the correct story or completely factual? I personally know too many guys who get ****ed over in similar situations because all things being equal, they accept a female's word as the gospel truth. I think I'll wait to see how the coaches handle it before becoming a judgmental prick.
I would do a little investigating into it....if it has even a CHANCE to be true, I'd pull the scholly offer and give it to someone else.....and if it does clear up afetr sighning day.....walk on kid!
Yeah, alot of people jumped to conclusions about this. Apparently it is coming out that the young girl already was known for her promiscuity and went into the room with the guys and was bragging about her "abilities", so they took her up on it. Not only did she brag about it around the school, but also told the story on facebook. When her mom found out, either the girl changed her story to being forced, or possibly the mom changed the story for her because she simply couldn't believe that her little angel was waxing two school. Regardless, even if it was consensual, statutory laws still apply. The only way he could still end up at LSU is if this completely goes away, and soon. Probably still wouldn't simply because of the bad taste this has left in so many mouths. ( no pun intended )
I posted the text of the "oral sexual battery" law on another forum, but the gist of it is she was under 15 and he was more than three years older, so "forced oral sexual battery" is what he was charged with. It has nothing to do with consent, intent or individual actions of either party whatsoever. She was "forced" because legally the state of Louisiana does not recognize a 14 year old to be intellectually capable to make that decision. Basically anytime a junior or senior gets oral sex from a freshman it's illegal when their ages are more than three years apart and she is younger than 15. IMO, age does not determine a level of maturity. I have met many 14 year olds mature beyond their years as well as many 17 year olds not nearly mature enough. Many things have greater effect on an individual's maturity and capability for decision-making than their birthdate.
Louisiana does have some pretty stupid laws when it comes to these things. Not saying this is one of them but when I was in HS, my friend got in trouble for having sex with a 17 yr old and he was 18. Parents found out and got pissed. Tell me that isn't a flawed system. Like 1 year is going to make a massive difference or something... A 35 yr old screwing a 18 yr old is legal but a 18 yr old can't touch a 17 yr old, great logic.