I have to say I am pretty disappointed with the Jeremy Hill decision by BOTH the judge and Miles. If he was a first time offender then I would understand and support it. But he was already on probation before the bar incident. We may score a few more TDs with him playing this year but we lose alot in integrity and moral high ground with this decision. If we don't reverse this trend (that started with JJ/Shadys in my opinion) then we are going to wind up looking like Florida & Miami before too long....
I trust CLM's judgement. Hills first offense was getting a hummer. The second one I didn't like. Sucker punching a guy? No need in that, especially when your a college football player. That should've been Mano o Mano. Whatever Coach has planned for him will be best for the team and Hill. Probably work the hell out of him in practice then sit him a few games IMO.
It saddens me to see someone who makes remarks like the ones you have. People make mistakes especially kids. This has nothing to do with him as a person. You act as if he was a Rapist, armed robber, drug dealer. His 1st charge was because he got oral sex from a girl that was 14 and he was 17. That's the same as a senior having sex with a sophomore or freshman. It happens. The bar fight is understandable because once intoxicated people make unwise decisions. The problem I really have is fair weather friends and fans. You should support people thru the good times and their bad. People come from many different walks of life and environments. You have to understand culture. a lot of people don't understand the importance of their celebrity until they lose It. i stand behind hill, matthieu, and the rest because they didn't do anything that college kids domt. Alabama just had 4 kids pull off an armed robbery.
Back in the 80's they'd slam LSU players on the hood of cop cars all the time. This is from a State Trooper. All got swept under rug back then. No Iphones, hell nothing but land lines.
Two incidents doesn't make a trend. And in Jefferson's case, most of the evidence was in his favor. Was he even convicted of battery in that case? Or are you assuming he did it because he was arrested for it and you don't want to seem soft on thuggery? We are a FAR CRY from Florida and Miami. And Bama. And Georgia. And aTm. .................