Well, there are some really bad QB's in the NFL. If nothing else, JJ can shake off a tackler, pull it down, and get you a first. I don't know about the NFL, but this is what we need to do to win the next 2!
Oh me , we got a safety [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow3bjWDTtro"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow3bjWDTtro[/ame] JJ no way I do not see JJ "movin on up " JJ is online to get beat look at the past. 2011 12-0 BG ( ) BCSCG ( ) 2010 10 won BG 2009 9-4 lost BG 2008 8-5 won BG It has been a steady rise , will it last ??
JJ in the NFL?...NO I just hope the kid graduates and can have a good career in some field. He's taking General Studies. I've never seen much in him as a leader and he's not very good at public speaking so I'm not sure what type of position he'll pursue. I don't see him in the NFL or even as a coach/assistant at the college level. I really don't expect to hear much from him after next January.
Since there are less than 150 qb's in the NFL I would think that you would have to be pretty exceptional to be one of these 150 or so. Even the ones that suck are among the best in the world. All qb's that are on an NFL roster must be good enough or they wouldn't be there.
He has all JJ's legal problems but 5X the talent in his respective position. I'd say a better LSU comparison to Suh would be Cecil Collins.
Yeah I got it. "If he can make it..." in the NFL right? Like this thread questioning JJ in the NFL? I'll stand on my post. And the foot stomp wasn't alleged, I saw it, as did many. I bet there are pictures of it too.
LOL Third round???? are you serious?? Someone may take a chance on him, but not in the third round ......late 5th maybe sixth, yes.
Herb Tyler could have been an NFL running back if he had played that position in college. He did get some free agent tryouts as a running back, but lacked the experience at the position that his competition had. Ditto Jordan Jefferson. He has NFL athletic talent, but not at quarterback.