And one of you "dipshits" doesnt have the common sense to know good natured fun from an all out attack. I wonder who that "dumbo" could be. What a chicken shit fag.
Let me get this right. The POSIC wants to be able to take out Americans,without a trial, if he deems them a threat. Then turns Around and brings a known terrorists, Bin Ladens son in law, to the US to be tried in a Federal Court? Is something wrong with that picture? Next thing you know he'll want to cut military tuition assistance for our service members and give it to illegals instead.
you really need to read sometimes, what charge would the bring against him in a military court? then get back to me with the correct answer.
First of all he's not an American citizen so he doesn't deserve to be tried in a civilian court. A military tribunal at gitmo would be better for the conspiring and killing of Americans. POSIC- piece of shit in charge.
How effective has trying terrorists in front of military tribunals at GITMO been? Neither the Bush nor the Obama Justice department is willing to say they have the authority to try Gitmo detainees. Bringing the dude in to be tried in a Federal court is smart when the jurisdiction is clear.
you still didnt answer the legal part of it, but I suspect you wouldnt. so moving on. the other part is the ignorance of thinking only Americans get tried in American courts.
How much more will it cost taxpayers to try him in New York as compared to Gitmo? If the results Are the same why not try him at gitmo? At least at gitmo they could do whatever is necessary to get information out if him.