Re: JayB is HEADED HOME!!! GREAT NEWS!!!!!! Looks like our prayers have been working! SWEET!!!!!!:crystal:
Re: JayB is HEADED HOME!!! GREAT GREAT GREAT WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a true miracle and proof that God is up there and does listen!!!!
Re: JayB is HEADED HOME!!! It is great to hear that Justin and Julie are coming home. I have never met them but after reading the updates and praying for them i feel like they are part of my family. Seeing the struggle and knowing what they have been going through and not knowing what the future would bring. Thank you God for hearing our prayers and saying yes. They are both an inspriation to us all. There is still a ways to go and i know Justin is a fighter. Keep eating and doing the things that make you stronger Justin. I live in Cal. so i dont know about raffle tickets but could you please post where we can send money to help with some of the expenses. Is there a donation account? Hey Brett or Grad maybe a Tiger forum donation account to help or a fundraiser of some kind? Let us know. God speed and i will keep you all in my prayers.
Re: JayB is HEADED HOME!!! Plane should be here Wednesday, flying out of HOLMAN Field...for our faithful Minnesota readers...where is this airport? Would you recommend Justin and I taking a taxi there? Are they clean? Just a few concerns....I think the plane will be here about 10:00. Please advise us! Thanks!! Does anyone know the tail number? I guess we can decipher it as planes get into the air.
Re: JayB is HEADED HOME!!! WOW!!!! This is really great news. Let's pray and hope they arrive home safe. :thumb: :geaux::tigbas::geaux:
Re: JayB is HEADED HOME!!! [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Quick update as I still have so much to do! Yesterday was very busy and of course everything ran late! Our plans of visiting the BMT floor before leaving had to be changed. SORRY guys, but will see you all in June! THANKS for all your support, love, compassion, dedication....everything! You are all BLESSINGS from GOD! Neither Justin nor I slept well last night. To be expected I guess. Of course now he sleeps on and mom is up going nutts! I ordered a car service to get us to the airport. A little more money, but peace of mind that it is clean! Dad will fly in about 6 this afternoon. I packed the car yesterday but he will have to rearrange it all I'm sure! Thanks to his brother Brian for flying to Kansas City to meet him and share the drive home! He's another blessing. We have 10 bags between stuff, meds, computers.....will need two cars to make it home once we land. Our flight leaves at 11:00 and prayerfully we will be home around 1:00 - 1:30! Justin and I are very touched and shared an emotional day with all the well wishes and phone calls. You guys are the best. Care to guess how many times mom will cry today? Some have asked about visiting. Please understand that although we are returning home, we are far from out of the fight. We still have to guard Justin from infections. I ask that for the first week you let us settle in and then we will see how counts stand. Once it is safe, we will let you know. Be prepared to wash your hands, sanitize your hands and then NOT touch Justin at all! LOL I will also have respiration masks for all those I think should use them....taking no chances here. Well the car will be here in an hour so I need to move it out! Thanks for checking in and PLEASE PLEASE sign the guestbook and let us know that you have shared this Blessed day with us![/FONT] This is the day the LORD has made, Let us rejoice and be GLAD in it! My bible is packed, so I can't pull a witty scripture for today, but this one popped in my head as my eyes popped open this morning! Thanks update should be from the great state of LOUISIANA! Julie and Justin...homeward bound!