Re: JayB is HEADED HOME!!! Joel, This news brings happy tears to my eyes. Justin and mom Julie, champions returning home! Prayers for a safe and wonderful return to Louisiana. God bless y'all!
Re: JayB is HEADED HOME!!! That is so great to hear. I am very happy for Justin and the family and that makes my day. Any chance he's at the Box this weekend?
Re: JayB is HEADED HOME!!! I couldn't be more thrilled. Justin has come back from some very rough days to rejoin his friends and family in Louisiana!
Re: JayB is HEADED HOME!!! The day I read JayB asked not to be left behind forever is in my mind. I knew the treatment was difficult, but never felt the weight of the struggle until then. How much easier would it have been to give up? Gooup, you mention Simon, and I cannot help think of how JayB’s mom helped share his burden, and was strong for him when he couldn’t be. From this thread; the gifts and well wishes, gumbo that sounded like it kick started an appetite, to a jet that brings home these heroes, what a collection of truly incredible people are here. Thank you for sharing with us what family and friends really are about, and allowing us to hold hands with yours.
Re: JayB is HEADED HOME!!! can someone pm me a number to contact our biggest baseball fan? ditto and props to deceks for keeping up with the situation (and reminding me) much more than a thoughtless sob like myself who often forgot.