Re: Update on Jay-B If they are in Laurel I'm sure some of us LSU fans in the area can make sure they are properly thanked for their good deed. Please keep us posted Grad!
Re: Update on Jay-B The first thing I told Joel this morning was that I don't want to get anyone's hopes up. We're trying and with any luck it will work out. If not, then I bet someone here WILL be able to get the help needed. Justin and his family can definitely use all the help they can get so it is awesome to see so many people here trying to lend that help. Makes me very proud of our members here!
Re: Update on Jay-B If you need someone to fly up there so there is a physician on the plane for the flight back let me know and I'll see what Joe's schedule is like and we'll go from there.....He's a surgeon not an ICU doc, but he's kept his fare share of folks going when he's had to do so...
Re: Update on Jay-B Looks like things are definitely a lot better for Justin and family. Although they are having a hard time convincing him to eat. They appear to be making some progress with the insurance company. However, his mom posted today "It seems that we will have access to a private jet if needed." :thumb: Geaux Justin! :tigerhead
Re: Update on Jay-B Amazing how people can galvanize like this and make things happen. I vote tigerforums #1 internet message board in the entire world. We're all here for you, JB!
Re: Update on Jay-B Today's journal entry was was almost like I could see the relief on Julie's face! Come on JayB! It's BASEBALL TIME!!!