Jarrett Lee's Performance

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by IL. TigerFan, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    It is reasonable to assume that BOTH QB's should play.

    All reports out of camp was that J Lee was right on JJ's ass. If that is true, logic tells me JJ just lost his full time starting job and should now split time and stats until he proves he is #1..

    Then again, J lee had all of 2008 to stink it up.. so who knows what Miles will do.
  2. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    All the glowing reviews of JL's one pass are ridiculous, it was one pass. However JJ has more than proven that he still doesn't have what it takes to play at a high level in the SEC. I think it's time to give JL much increased playing time if not the start. I wouldn't bet the house on JL just yet though. If he was lighting it up in practice he would already be the starter. Hard to believe the "genius" is having this much trouble developing a QB that can play average ball.
  3. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    in 08, with all the pick sixes, i am convinced it was the bama game where the rest of the team rolled over and gave up. they gave it all, and taking the game into overtime came damned close to a huge win until lee threw a pick six. the team left it all on the field that day, and afterwards seemed to have an indifferent attitude.

    one, we cant have that happen again, and with the frustrations that the receivers were showing last night it will if jj continues to play like that. but two, will the rest of the team put 08 behind them if lee has progressed and not give up on the first interception? i hope they will stand behind him and not let it affect their attitude given that the team is so young and many of those players werent even here or those that were, were not seeing the field in 08.

    either way, the qb situation has to be handled in a way that it doesnt adversely effect the rest of the team.
  4. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    JJ showed improvement in game 1, and regression in game 2. Perhaps he was just really off, or maybe he has hit the wall for now. JL has always thrown a beautiful ball, just sometimes to the wrong team. He has always outperformed in practice also, but finding the safeties and cheating LBs has been an ever-present problem. The thing to ask, is what has changed for this team in 2 yrs that would allow JL to succeed?

    2008 - poor defense, always down big, and JL was forced to sling it to keep us in games. Rivals expected it and played outfield, waiting to pick him off which eventually the numbers say they will - and did.
    - frustrated senior receivers that did not respect the young QB

    2009 - an improved defense but a poor Oline and totally incapable of running the ball, so JJ didn't throw interceptions, he took sacks.

    2010 - apparently a lights out, penetrating defense, an improved Oline in pass protection and especially vs the run. Upwards of 5 good RB's that all can break it open and mostly grind it out. Young, hungry, better-coached WRs.

    Yes, times have changed and JL may well be able to succeed with this team. But bear in mind that teams will prepare differently for the 2 QBs, so we could get false positives initially. But he deserves a shot, even if it is only a shared situation.

    The QB is the only thing holding this team back now. Can't really blame anything else.
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  5. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    I think one poster said is was crisp, on target and in stride. I'm not sure you can characterize the thread as falling all over itself about Jarrett Lee based on that one pass...seems to me folks are intrigued.
  6. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    Oct 21, 2002
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    My memory is not nearly as short as some seem to be on this board. I saw JL as a freshman, I saw JL as a soph, I don't want to see him again until mop up time against a lessor team or when we have a huge lead (more than 20). We really need a game against ULM or McNeese (or LA Tech) early in the season to get some of these issues answered early in the season to see if a change is even feasible. We saw him in the LA Tech game last year and he was HORRIBLE. We don't need that. The problem is we don't have an easy game like that until late in the season. JJ has not gotten that much better and he has had a ton of play time. What makes us think that JL's mental issues have gotten better by sitting the bench?

    I think anyone looking at that one pass the JL threw last night vs the horrible INT that JJ threw and getting excited about it need to pop in a few tapes from the past couple of years. Or they need to compare JJ's pass to RR in the UNC game to JL's pass. Heck if you only have one pass from JL to compare against one pass from JJ, why not pick that one? :) JL's passing was VERY inconsistent in multiple games (pretty much every game he played in). He would put a pass like that one last night on the money and then miss many wide open receivers and throw INTs.

    Against UNC, JJ played pretty much like JJ played but a little better. He had a terrible game last night. His worst ever. But looking at his history points to that game being an anomaly. Looking at JL's history points to a pattern. I can't believe more on this board can't seeing that. I am just glad that JJ had his worst game against an over matched Vandy team. He may have another horrible game against someone like AU, and we will probably lose. Too bad, we are a young team with QB problems and that can happen. I think if we put JL in there and he turns out to not have changed (which is what I would bet), we have a much better chance of dropping 2 or 3 games that we should have won.

    I personally feel that if we start JL in the Miss St game, we better have a VERY quick hook and get JJ back on the field. We better be prepared to come from behind. I will trust the patterns I have seen and not hang my hopes on wild dreams of magical change.
  7. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    Well... That could be affective as well. Start Lee and see if it jars something in JJ's head.
  8. COTiger

    COTiger 2010 Bowl Pick 'Em Champ

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Let's just hope JJ had an off night Saturday night and comes back and lights it up against the Dogs. Hopefully a week of film work and playing in front of the home crowd will boost his confidence.
  9. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    so last night, while jj was missing everything he threw at, your response would have been to pass more? really?!!?

    and you're calling other people idiots?
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Soooooo . . . you're happy to just go with Jefferson for the next couple of years? It's Jefferson or nobody?

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