Jarrett Lee had some "moments". I've defended him before, but after last season, the few times he did play, he is much too "on" and "off" to be trusted to start IMHO. Its a shame because the kid has a cannon, if only he could get the accuracy part down, and make better quick decisions. If he could be trained to do those things, he would be a great weapon on the field. But some of these things are kinda "built-in" with good quarterbacks. He saved the day a few times, granted. But when he wasn't saving the day, he was running around like a QB with is eyes gouged out.
McCartney is a walk-on. Can you remember a single walk-on quarterback who ever played in Tiger Stadium?
Just as good ---> Full-time employee, full-time dad of one disabled four-year-old and two babies, full-time husband (and primary house cleaner), practically full-time mechanic (classic cars come with their tradeoffs), and full-time student at BRCC. Sometimes I get a bit overwhelmed, and the tension releases at unforseen moments...like when I posted that response. Saying I was "tired" was just easier than going through all that.