right. The average American commits about 3 felonies per day. We're so over criminalized. Don't give them an opening into your life. They're not your friend. they'll get leverage and squeeze you for info that you may or may not have, and then maybe financially ruin you in the process, any maybe throw you in jail for one of those felonies just to make sure you're not hiding something. Who would risk that? remember, they'll put you in a cage for using a natural, healing herb because it's legalization would hurt Big Pharma's bottom line. If the Democrats were not so nasty and corrupt they would take cannabis off Schedule 1.
yup. my best friend, whom i have lectured forever on not talking to the cops, was sitting in lawn chair outside his house. he had been smoking weed but it was in his pockets. he wasnt bothering anyone, just watching the sunset. cop came up to him started making conversation, he talked and talked and talked and eventually the cop had "probable cause", and searched him, ticketied him and it cost him like a thousand bucks with court fees etc. all of it could have been avoided, just say hello officer, "i am sorry i dont talk to cops". cop might keep trying, try to befriend him, comment on what a nice sunset it is. dont get tricked, always reply with "sorry officer i dont talk to cops, its what my lawyer friends told me to do in every circumstance". and if there is a congressional investigation, you should never, ever, every answer anything, ever, to even discuss it would be insanity! what possible good can come of it? this attitude of "why not just talk if you are innocent" is wrong and stupid and dangerous and every lawyer that is worth a shit would tackle you and tape your mouth closed before allowing you to even exchange pleasantries with investigators.
I'm guessing your friend is White or else he would have gotten a faceful of baton on top of everything.
he is, and i agree that there is a disparity in how drug laws are applied/enforced, which is one of the thousand reasons drugs must be made legal
Two books that really opened my eyes to the damage wrought by America's War on Drugs. Police misconduct, prisons overflowing with nonviolent "offenders," families and neighborhoods decimated, violent criminals stepping in to meet demand. If you're considering reading these books but are on the fence, Joe Biden is a major villain for his role in certain legislation.
Biden was a big supporter of the crack cocaine extra penalty as well as 3 strikes. Not to excuse him but as I remember major black leaders like Jesse and Al Sharpton pushed for them too. Another problem is police unions that protect bad cops and the blue wall of silence.